Philippines unveils BUCAS centre for ambulatory and urgent care in Pampanga | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Philippines
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Philippines unveils BUCAS centre for ambulatory and urgent care in Pampanga

The new facility is located at the JBLMGH Ambulatory Surgical and Multispeciality Centre.

The Philippines has established its first Bagong Urgent Care and Ambulatory Service (BUCAS) centre at the Jose B. Lingad Memorial General Hospital (JBLMGH) in Pampanga.

The new centre provides different healthcare services including ambulatory and urgent care surgeries, family medicine, paediatric care, on-site pharmacies, and laboratory services. 

Moreover, the facility also offers internal medicine to focus on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adult diseases.

Meanwhile, the country’s Department of Health (DoH) welcomed the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Philippines, Lee Sang-Hwa to the centre.

According to the agency, Lee offered the Philippines’ support by sharing healthcare advancements from South Korea, fostering collaboration between both countries.

“We extend our gratitude to the Republic of Korea for offering help for the advancement of healthcare services in the Philippines,” Health Secretary, Teodoro Herbosa, said.

“We are optimistic that this collaboration with our partner nations catalyzes our efforts to achieve universal health care,” Herbosa added.

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