Philippines to open new cancer centre in Manila | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Philippines
Photo via the Manila Public Information office on Facebook

Philippines to open new cancer centre in Manila

The five-storey facility will feature medical technology aimed towards oncological care.

The Philippines is set to establish a new cancer centre in its capital after holding a groundbreaking ceremony at the “Ospital ng Maynila” Medical Centre Compound.

The upcoming Governor Benjamin T. Romualdez Cancer Centre, estimated to cost around $8m (PHP470m), will be developed as a five-storey facility with a 38-bed capacity and an approximate floor area of 3,935 sq.m.

Moreover, the facility will be equipped with medical technology including a linear accelerator, a spect gamma camera with a treadmill machine, and a computed tomography (CT) scan.

The centre aims to offer cancer care to patients who cannot afford private medical services.

PHP1 = $0.017


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