Thomson Hospital and OncoCare Medical Malaysia partner to enhance cancer care | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Malaysia
Photo via Thomson Hospital (Press photo)

Thomson Hospital and OncoCare Medical Malaysia partner to enhance cancer care

This partnership combines top oncologists and supportive care specialists in a new state-of-the-art cancer facility

Thomson Hospital Kota Damansara has teamed up with OncoCare Medical Malaysia Sdn Bhd to improve cancer care standards in Malaysia and the region. 

The partnership aims to deliver personalised treatment plans tailored to individual patient needs, supported by the latest research and clinical trials. 

The Thomson OncoCare alliance will offer comprehensive, patient-centered care through a tumour site-specific approach, including access to innovative oncology clinical trials and alternative therapies. The center will also host regular international tumour board meetings featuring top oncology experts from across Asia to discuss complex cases and refine treatment strategies.

Thomson's Oncology and Nuclear Medicine facility boasts advanced technology, including the Mediso AnyScan SPECT/CT/PET imaging system – the first of its kind in the Asia Pacific region – and a state-of-the-art linear accelerator (LINAC) with a surface image guided system (SIGRT). The facility has conducted over 5,500 diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, addressing cancers of the cervix, breast, lung, rectum, head, neck, and brain.

Thomson Hospital is the first in Malaysia to earn accreditation for its cancer services from the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) International.

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