Moe Kaung Yadanar Maternal and Child Hospital named Specialty Hospital of the Year - Myanmar at the Healthcare Asia Awards | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Moe Kaung Yadanar Maternal and Child Hospital named Specialty Hospital of the Year - Myanmar at the Healthcare Asia Awards

The hospital aims to continue providing quality patient care as the first mother-and-child hospital in Myanmar.

In a country where quality healthcare services can be a challenge to access, Moe Kaung Treasure Maternal and Child Hospital emerged as a go-to for Myanmar nationals. Recently named the Specialty Hospital of the Year - Myanmar at the Healthcare Asia Awards 2023, this exceptional institution has not only redefined the standards of maternal and child healthcare but has also made it accessible to those in need.

Moe Kaung Treasure Maternal and Child Hospital is a private women and children specialist hospital for Myanmar people. Located in Yankin Township, Yangon, the institution has international-level professionals who can provide the highest level of safety in providing 24-hour care services to mothers and children.

The hospital’s core objectives revolve around ensuring that the people of Myanmar receive top-notch healthcare services that align with international standards. Moreover, it fosters an environment wherein patients get quality treatments from highly skilled and specialised professionals. 

Moe Kaung Treasure Maternal and Child Hospital accepts patients from all regions of Myanmar, offering tertiary care and advanced treatments at affordable rates, particularly to children in need of medical attention.

It has special departments for women’s healthcare as well, including Obstetrics and Gynecology Department (Inpatient), Obstetrics and Gynecology Outpatient Department (OG OPD), Social Security Board Women Clinic (SSB Clinic), Stem Cell Banking Center, Invitro Fertilization Center (IVF), Chemo Oncology Center (Gynecology Division), Radiation Oncology Center (Gynecology Division), Modular Operation Theater (Gynecology Surgery), and Laparoscopic Gynecology Surgery Centre.

The hospital’s OG department is aimed to treat Myanmar people with almost free consultation fees, very reasonable procedure and equipment fees, and charitable pharmaceutical and stock medical accessories prices.

Meanwhile, for child care, Moe Kaung Treasure Maternal and Child Hospital have two different departments, the pediatric (for patients aged four weeks to 12 years old) and neonate (for patients aged four weeks and younger) departments.

Its services for children are Child & Neonate Outpatient Department (Child OPD), Pediatric Inpatient Department (Paed IPD), Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU), Neonate Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Pediatric High Dependency Unit (Paed HDU), Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (Paed ICU), Pediatric Surgery Unit, Pediatric Rehabilitation Unit, and Pediatric Cognitive Development Center.

The Child OPD performs 24-hour in-house pediatric specialist care for emergency or day and night clinic services. The hospital also has many success stories in its NICU. One of them is baby Saw, a preterm baby who was delivered at 33 weeks. Within one and half hours of the mother’s labour, the baby was born weighing 4 lb 12 ounces at birth.

In relation to Moe Kaung Treasure Maternal and Child Hospital’s win at the Healthcare Asia Awards, the panel of judges considered the institution’s various achievements, including its quality services for reasonable prices, its successful neonatal surgeries for curable congenital anomalies and pediatric rehabilitation unit for development problems, and its openness to accept patients from all parts of Myanmar.

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