Vejthani Hospital emerges as a significant winner at the Healthcare Asia Awards | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Vejthani Hospital emerges as a significant winner at the Healthcare Asia Awards

It offers a wide range of medical services to cater to the needs of international patients.

Vejthani Hospital took home the Hospital of the Year - Thailand Award at the recently held Healthcare Asia Awards for its ability to provide high-quality services and international expertise.

The hospital provides integrated treatment, one-stop service, and a comprehensive range of quaternary medical services. It also has cutting-edge technologies and a reputation for providing the best care for orthopaedic patients.

Vejthani Hospital has the most sophisticated surgical equipment and can perform the most advanced procedures in the field whilst emphasising safety during medical procedures. The facility is equipped with various medical devices, such as an O-Arm intraoperative imaging system and a surgical navigator.

Aside from providing integrated medical services, the hospital continues to cater to the needs of international patients through air ambulance service, visa extension assistance, and coordination with insurance companies.

Through its dedicated personnel, the hospital can provide high-quality care. Vejthani Hospital is known for its reputation as a leading provider of complex medical procedures and affordable luxuries. The quality of the services and the attentive staff members of the hospital make it an ideal choice for patients across the globe.

The facility also has an international team that assists international patients in making their visits and communicating hassle-free with the nurses and doctors at the hospital. The team is composed of staff members who are fluent in multiple native languages. These practitioners provide a personalised and smooth experience for international patients as they make their way into the facility. They have gained international certifications and training, which significantly increase their level of expertise.

Additionally, the Vejthani has an information booth at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok to facilitate medical travellers upon arrival. It also has global offices in different countries to assist overseas patients.

The number of patients from every corner of the globe visiting the hospital has been rising continuously each year, with over 3,000 people coming from over a hundred countries annually.

Vejthani Hospital's credibility and expertise in providing medical care have been recognised, as it has received one of the highest numbers of clinical care program certifications (CCPC) from the Joint Commission International USA – the organisation that accredits top-tier hospitals with the highest patient safety.

The hospital holds the distinction of being the first in the world to receive the Hepatitis B clinical care program certification, as well as the first in Southeast Asia to receive the Lumbar Decompression and Fixation CCPC certification.

Healthcare Asia Awards aims to honour hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers that have risen above the challenges and made a remarkable impact by innovating and reinventing initiatives to serve patients better and protect employees.

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