Body contouring devices rise as patients seek alternatives to diet | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Korea

Body contouring devices rise as patients seek alternatives to diet

Patients in South Korea are increasingly seeking non-invasive contouring methods.

With a greater number of patients seeking alternatives to traditional diet and exercise to achieve their ideal body image, there is a rising demand for body contouring devices market in South Korea, according to a report from GlobalData.

The body contouring devices market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 7.1% between 2020 and 2030 in South Korea, where it is hailed as its third largest market across Asia Pacific.

In Asia Pacific, China accounted for the largest market share in 2020, followed by Japan and South Korea. However, South Korea will be the fastest-growing market in the region as physical appearance is an important part of the Korean culture.

There is also a growing demand for non-invasive body contouring methods. High cost of surgical treatments, surgery complications and preference to non-surgical methods are propelling the non-invasive body contouring devices market in South Korea.

“Besides advancements in the accessibility and quality of treatment, social media is also playing a major role in driving the body contouring devices market forward. However, it is crucial to improve the quality and integrity of the information available online to avoid any negative effects of such treatments,” GlobalData’s medical devices analyst Medha said.

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