MoH to retain transitional care facilities
The government set up 500 TDF beds across five sites during the pandemic.
The Ministry of Health (MoH) has decided to retain all transitional care facilities (TCFs) built during the pandemic in a bid to strengthen h Singapore's hospital capacity.
During the pandemic, the MoH set up 500 TCF beds across five sites.
"The TCFs have proven to be very valuable. It is as good as adding 500 more beds to our acute hospitals," the Health Minister, Ong Ye Kung, said.
"We will retain the current facilities, including continuing to use Hall 9 of Changi Expo primarily as a TCF. We have about 200 beds there," Ong added.
Since there is still no TCF in the west of Singapore, Ong said the MoH will set up one there in the coming months, close to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.
"We will also continue to expand the community and step-down care sectors, such as community hospitals and nursing homes," Ong added.