Apollo Cancer Centres unveils Robotic Stereotactic Radiotherapy programme | Healthcare Asia Magazine
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Apollo Cancer Centres unveils Robotic Stereotactic Radiotherapy programme

The programme will provide training for specialists across the India sub-continent.

Apollo Cancer Centres (ACC), in partnership with Accuray, has announced the launch of the Robotic & Stereotactic Radiosurgery programme, a centre dedicated to advancing oncology care.

The programme will be established at ACC in Chennai and Bangalore to provide radiosurgery training to radiation oncologists, physicists, radiation therapists, and technologists from India and across the India sub-continent.

“The inception of the Robotic Stereotactic Radiotherapy programme by Apollo Cancer Centres and Accuray will advance training facilities for the ASEAN region,” Dinesh Madhavan, President Group Oncology, and International, Apollo Hospital Enterprises Ltd, said.

“It will help equip oncologists, physicists, and therapists with the critical knowledge and skills needed to leverage the latest in CyberKnife technology," Madhavan added.

The CyberKnife system, a non-invasive, robotic device designed to treat tumours with minimal damage to surrounding healthy tissue. 


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