Singapore to remain attractive for healthcare IPOs | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Singapore

Singapore to remain attractive for healthcare IPOs

It is home to one of the world’s biggest healthcare groups, IHH.

Whilst the consumer and the professional services sectors are seen to rise and continue their uptrend, Singapore will see a new potential with the healthcare sector.

According to a new study by the PwC, healthcare is one of the more well-developed sectors in the city-state with one of the world's largest healthcare groups, IHH Healthcare being listed in the local bourse.

"Singapore’s strong reputation as a medical centre of excellence in the region and the attractive market trading valuation for this sector, which sees the price-earnings ratio hovering in the range of 30 to 40 times, making it more attractive for healthcare players to list," PwC explained.

Meanwhile, the study also noted that the city-state is expected to remain the choice listing destination for REITs and business trusts with notable interest from Chinese-based real estate players.

"With the public consultation for dual class shares ending earlier this year, Singapore could become a more attractive location for listing in Asia. But with HKEx looking to introduce a third board with dual class shares, this has become a race to see which bourse is faster to the market," PwC said.

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