InterSystems TrakCare causes measurable KPI improvements at Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Indonesia

InterSystems TrakCare causes measurable KPI improvements at Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah

Laboratory turnaround times have improved.

InterSystems, a global leader in software for connected healthcare, announced that Indonesian private hospital group Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah (RSPI) has deployed the InterSystems TrakCare® unified healthcare information system and achieved measurable improvements in key performance indicators (KPIs), including laboratory, radiology, pharmacy and health check-up turnaround times.

Users report satisfaction with how TrakCare has streamlined hospital operations. Administrators have benefited from faster access to information and better communications. Text message appointment reminders integrated with TrakCare, for example, have significantly reduced the number of no-shows to appointments. Within one year of TrakCare’s implementation, RSPI - Pondok Indah, one of RSPI’s two hospitals in Jakarta, reported double-digit growth in revenue.

RSPI operates two world-class hospitals: the 225-bed RSPI - Pondok Indah, which completed implementation of TrakCare in early 2014; and the 100-bed RSPI - Puri Indah, which went live in early June 2015. Both hospitals have moved to a centralized electronic medical record (EMR) and paperless operations, with TrakCare supporting international clinical best practices including electronic medication management. Medication ordering, dispensing and administering all take place within TrakCare.

“From a business point of view, we are able to provide differentiated healthcare services to our patients,” said Dr. Yanwar Hadiyanto, CEO of the RSPI Group. “Adopting international clinical practices like electronic medication management allows us to provide a faster, safer, and more efficient service, while supporting our clinicians with robust decision support.”

Doctors say their patients have responded very positively to the changes. With an EMR, patients no longer need to bring copies of test results, X-rays or MRIs along with them to consultations. Patient records are now always accessible by clinicians at both RSPI hospitals, so patients can choose whichever hospital is more convenient. Clinical alerts, including potential drug interactions and patient allergies, enable clinicians to provide the best and safest care.

Electronic ordering and real-time communications have reduced waiting times. Laboratory and radiology turnaround times have improved significantly, with TrakCare interfacing to the hospitals’ laboratory information management system (LIMS) and picture archiving and communication system (PACS) using TrakCare’s built-in HL7 interface engine, part of its underlying interoperability platform.

The system communicates orders and results instantaneously, cutting administration time by 30-60 minutes per order, and monitors KPIs. This ensures that routine X-rays, which previously took 2-3 hours, are now turned around in half the time. The pharmacy now meets a KPI to prepare prescribed medications within 10 minutes in 92% of cases, up from the previous rate of 72% of the time. The results of a health check-up, which previously took 4-5 days, can now be delivered within 24 hours.

Patients now spend less time moving between departments and can wait for results in the comfort of a cafeteria or patient lounge before returning directly to their doctors’ consultation rooms. They no longer have to pick up test results from the laboratory, and any medications prescribed by doctors are waiting for them in the pharmacy at the end of the session.

A 100% adoption rate by clinical staff from the moment the new system went live was a key contributor to its success. The early and close engagement of clinicians, led by Dr. Hadiyanto, and the recruitment of five doctors who worked as TrakCare trainers during the systems implementation period, were key strategies in achieving this goal. Clinicians were also involved with systems selection, with TrakCare receiving five times as many votes after a hands-on workshop as any other shortlisted system.

“InterSystems is proud to partner with Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah, one of Asia’s most prestigious private hospital groups,” said Kerry Stratton, Managing Director, Asia Pacific, of InterSystems. “The shift to a paperless EMR environment, with 100% clinical adoption of TrakCare, has greatly enhanced the patient journey and improved patient safety.” 

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