HKUST and PUMCH forge strategic cooperation to advance medical research and education | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Hong Kong
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HKUST and PUMCH forge strategic cooperation to advance medical research and education

They will explore innovative ways to strengthen ties between Hong Kong universities and mainland hospitals.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) have signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement to enhance collaboration in medical research and education.

Under the agreement, HKUST and PUMCH will collaborate to explore innovative approaches to enhance interactions between Hong Kong universities and mainland hospitals. 

The partnership will utilise HKUST’s cutting-edge research capabilities alongside PUMCH’s expertise in clinical medicine to foster comprehensive projects in talent development, medical education, MedTech innovation, and knowledge transfer. 

The initiative aims to advance the biomedical and healthcare sectors in both regions, with the first group of PUMCH doctors and scholars expected to begin academic exchanges at HKUST later this year.

The agreement was signed by HKUST President Prof. Nancy IP and PUMCH President Prof. ZHANG Shuyang.

“This strategic partnership with PUMCH represents a significant milestone, enhancing cooperation and exchange in medical research and clinical practice between Mainland China and Hong Kong,” said IP.

“By working together to nurture new generations of medical talent and accelerate the translation of pioneering research into practical applications, we aspire to make a meaningful contribution to the advancement of the healthcare industry,” she added.

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