Female infertility market to value at $2.3b by 2033 | Healthcare Asia Magazine
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Female infertility market to value at $2.3b by 2033

It is primarily driven by an increase in women postponing pregnancy at a later age.

The female infertility market is projected to reach $2.33b in 2033 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.5%, according to GlobalData.

The company’s “Female Infertility: Seven Market Drug Forecast and Market Analysis” report revealed that its growth will primarily be driven by the growing number of women postponing pregnancy until a later age when fertility has generally declined.

Meanwhile, the launch of therapies will contribute to small growth within the forecast period.

“A small number of established companies compete in the female infertility market and the market is dominated by off-label therapies, with many drugs used during fertility treatments being indicated for breast cancer and other gynaecological disorders,” Shireen Mohammad, Senior Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disorders Analyst at GlobalData, said.

The report further stated that the development of non-injectible medications represents an unmet need as it offers benefits in terms of patient convenience, compliance, and overall treatment experience compared to the traditional method used in in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

This coincides with Mohammad’s prediction that an easily and less frequently administered drug that performs as effectively as existing options could potentially gain market share.

“There is a clear need to improve its route of administration to avoid the negative side effects associated with the current intramuscular and vaginal options,” he added.

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