BMC and ZHO ink MoU on enhanced healthcare for people of determination | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Middle East
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BMC and ZHO ink MoU on enhanced healthcare for people of determination

The partnership will promote the Ifhas programme for early detection of chronic disease.

Burjeel Medical City (BMC) and the Zayed Higher Organisation for People of Determination (ZHO) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enhance healthcare access and therapeutic services for people of determination.

The MoU enables BMC to work alongside ZHO to offer specialised treatments, rehabilitation services, and early disability detection programs.

Meanwhile, both parties aim to promote the Ifhas programme for early chronic disease detection and prevention among employees and their families.

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BMC will offer early detection services for disabilities during both pre- and post-pregnancy stages, whilst ZHO members will utilise Burjeel Darak facilities for rehabilitation aid. 

The MoU will also explore potential avenues for collaboration such as the provision of occupational therapy, speech therapy, and behaviour modification services at the Abu Dhabi Autism Center’s headquarters.

Moreover, the partnership aims to offer rehabilitative therapeutic services at ZHO’s physical, speech, and occupational therapy centres as well.


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