Digital health and PPP to propel Bahrain's medical devices market | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Middle East

Digital health and PPP to propel Bahrain's medical devices market

Bahrain also continues to lead in the provision of 5G coverage.

The ongoing momentum in digital health and public-private partnerships will help in growing opportunities for Bahrain's medical devices market.

"Bahrain's health system is currently undergoing a structural shift, with an increasing focus on healthcare technologies and the role of the private sector," according to Fitch Solutions' BMI Research report.

Bahrain implemented the National Health Regulatory Authority strategic plan for 2021-2025, which focuses on automating processes such as the registration of medicines, healthcare facilities and medical devices which will help fast-track access to services.

To allow this to happen, Bahrain continues to lead in the provision of 5G coverage across the country.

In 2021, it became the first Middle Eastern market and amongst the first markets in the world to secure 5G coverage for its entire population. Two of the kingdom's operators, STC and Batelco, have developed expansive 5G offerings, supported by infrastructure from Huawei and Ericsson, respectively.

BMI Research also sees Bahrain's achievement of countrywide 5G coverage and ongoing NHRA will increase the uptake of digital health solutions such as telemedicine, connected devices and diagnostic wearables, which creates opportunities for digital health companies and medical device manufacturers.

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