Saudi Arabia private healthcare to benefit from new health insurance scheme | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Middle East

Saudi Arabia private healthcare to benefit from new health insurance scheme

The private healthcare growth in Saudia Arabia will stem from strategic plans.

Private healthcare in Saudia Arabia will experience growth backed by strategic plans to enhance private sector contribution to healthcare, according to Fitch Solution's BMI Research.

The development came as the Middle Eastern country said its health insurance scheme and the renewed role of the Ministry of Health will improve accessibility and affordability.

"Whilst these developments highlight the kingdom's ongoing commitment to healthcare, accessibility issues, especially in rural areas, are likely to persist," read the report.

The demand for private health services will be backed by Saudi Arabia's expatriate population, which represents more than 40% of the total population according to the Saudi Census 2022.

Increasing the contribution of the private sector to healthcare will remain a priority as the government seeks to improve the efficiency of public health spending and raise private sector contribution in line with Vision 2030 and the Health Sector Transformation Program. Privatisation of government health services and public-private partnerships will remain a key feature of Saudi Arabia’s healthcare system in the near to medium term.

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