Five community care services sign deal for preventive care services in Bukit Panjang | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Singapore
Photo from St. Luke's ElderCare and REACH Community Services Society PR

Five community care services sign deal for preventive care services in Bukit Panjang

The partnership will improve care services for the elderly.

Five community care organisations signed a sector-first memorandum of understanding (MOU) to provide active ageing initiatives and preventive care for elder communities in the Bukit Panjang community.

Under the five-party agreement, all involved organisations will collaborate on creating specific care services for elder communities. Those included in the MOU are Fei Yue Community Services, New Life Community Services, REACH Community Services Society, St Luke’s ElderCare and St Luke’s Hospital.

REACH and ElderCare will cooperatively operate an Active Ageing Centre (Care) in Teck Whye Vista and a Senior Care Centre in Senja Valley by 2024. A separate consortium was launched between New Life and ElderCare to manage an integrated Nursing Home and Active Ageing Centre in Jelapang, beginning operations by 2026.

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Every initiative under the agreement will augment Singapore’s Healthier SG strategy in building a future-ready and integrated care ecosystem.

All five parties will prioritise delivering care solutions, training for the development of improved senior services, and enhancing care within the Bukit Panjang community.

“This inclusive partnership highlights our commitment and desire as community care organisations to co-own, co-create and prioritise the healthcare and social needs of senior residents in Bukit Panjang," the representatives shared in a joint statement.

"By sharing available resources, we supplement each other’s areas of strength, tapping into each other’s expertise to provide coordinated, convenient and quality services for the seniors under our care,” it added.

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