UAE Drug Corporation law will support national proficiency in pharmaceutical firms: MoHAP | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Middle East

UAE Drug Corporation law will support national proficiency in pharmaceutical firms: MoHAP

It also helps develop domestic skills in research and development.

The Minister of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) backs the law on UAE Drug Corporation, which it said will support national proficiency in pharmaceutical manufacturing and foster the development of domestic expertise in research and development sustainably. 

This will also make way for the UAE as a global hub for the pharmaceutical and medical industries, thereby significantly contributing to the nation's leadership and competitiveness in key sectors envisioned in the UAE Centennial Plan 2071, said MoHAP HE Abdulrahman bin Mohamed Al Owais.

The law, according to MoHAP’s statement, establishes the UAE Drug Corporation as an “official body for the regulation and licencing of medical and pharmaceutical products, health care items, and nutritional supplements.”

MoHAP also noted that consolidating the responsibility for regulation and licencing of medical and other pharmaceutical products will help establish a “comprehensive and sustainable system for licencing and manufacturing within the country.”

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