Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi is now a Center of Excellence for adult cardiac surgery | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Middle East
/Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi CEO Jorge Guzman's LinkedIn

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi is now a Center of Excellence for adult cardiac surgery

The Department of Health - Abu Dhabi (DOH) awarded the CoE to the clinic.

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi has received recognition from DOH as a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Adult Cardiac Surgery (ACS).

In a statement, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi said it “offers a range of integrated cardiac surgery and structural heart disease interventions provided by a team of cardiologists who have extensive experience and include some of the world’s most reputable surgeons.”

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi also has dedicated cardiac surgery ICU facilities and cardiac operating rooms, which operate core services that include state-of-the-art multidisciplinary cardiovascular medicine, interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, and a cutting-edge structural heart programme.

CoEs are healthcare facilities designated by DoH to provide specialised programmes in particular medical areas, in line with best practices and highest quality standards. 

CoEs are recognised for their world-class infrastructure, highly skilled and internationally accredited workforce, multidisciplinary resources, cutting-edge technologies and latest healthcare innovations, and clinical and scientific research while delivering best-in-class healthcare to patients in the Emirate and beyond. 

To further cement its position as the Emirate’s CoE for ACS, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi will drive research and education in the field of cardiac sciences. 

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