KHIDI’s Medical Charity Programme wins ESG Programme of the Year | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, South Korea

KHIDI’s Medical Charity Programme wins ESG Programme of the Year

South Korea has supported patients from 28 different countries with little access to healthcare services.

Since its inception in 2011, Korean Health Industry Development Institute’s (KHIDI) corporate social responsibility project—the KHIDI Medical Charity Programme—has been the last hope and remedy for hundreds of patients across the globe.

This initiative has introduced unique and innovative opportunities for patients in underserved countries to get a chance at higher quality medical care and a renewed life.

The programme has been able to successfully invite  418 patients from 28 different countries to South Korea, to financially and emotionally support the entire scope of their medical treatment processes.

The institution has continuously provided full coverage for patient and guardian global travel and treatment expenses. This includes comfortable concierge services provided through its partnerships with various medical institutions, travel agencies, and central and local governments.

In recent years alone, despite ongoing restrictions, KHIDI was able to accommodate more than 10 patients from Gabon, Zambia, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, and the Philippines through the Medical Charity Program with its latest medical technology of Korea.

Procedures being provided range from heart surgery, reconstructive plastic surgery, and hip surgery to systemic burn surgeries at top-tier Korean hospitals that had the medical technologies and knowledge to tackle medical issues that were difficult to treat in the patients’ home countries.

The programme has another aspect that it is proud of and that is inviting foreign medical professionals that come from the respective patients’ countries.

Foreign medical professionals are given the opportunity to train and observe Korea’s medical practices first-hand and to increase their scope of medical knowledge with modern procedures. This likewise ensures seamless follow-up care for the patients even after returning to their home countries.

With this programme, Korean Health Industry Development Institute was given the ESG Program of the Year - South Korea award in the recently concluded Healthcare Asia Awards.

This year, with its theme of Recognising Trailblazing Initiatives in the Healthcare Sector, the awards programme aims to honour hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers that have risen above the challenges and made a remarkable impact on their patients, most especially amidst the massive disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In giving this award, the judging panel took into consideration two notable achievements of the institution.

First is the achievement of having invited over 418 patients from 28 different countries to the Medical Charity Programme since 2011, whilst second is having provided for more than 10 patients from Gabon, Zambia, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, and the Philippines with complimentary surgical treatment even during the restricted situation due to COVID-19.

KHIDI aspires to expand its services with the provision of a larger range of procedures and partnerships with different medical institutions. It also aspires to implement flexibility in its practices to better reflect the patients’ and industry’s needs.

As it moves forward, KHIDI is committed to incorporating innovative business and healthcare methodologies and procedures to reduce the large healthcare disparities present worldwide through its programme that works to make advanced medical care more accessible to those most in need

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