Utilising social media for healthcare information | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Utilising social media for healthcare information

Celltrion Healthcare Thailand has been recognised with the Patient Advocacy Programme of the Year - Thailand at the Healthcare Asia Pharma Awards.

Introducing Celltrion Healthcare Thailand's Facebook page - the ultimate source of reliable healthcare information. Our page is managed by experienced doctors who are experts in each therapeutic area, and we only provide information from trusted and credible sources.

We understand that social media is a popular tool for searching healthcare information, but not all information is accurate and trustworthy. We want to change that by offering complete and easy-to-understand information through our page. We also use infographics to make the content more engaging and accessible.

We are proud to say that our Facebook page is focused on community benefits, and we do not operate with hidden agendas or commercial purposes. Our page has gained a following of over 30,000 caregivers and who must take care of their family members. We encourage active participation in our page activities, and we have built a healthy community around it.

Our dedication to patient advocacy has been recognised by the Healthcare Asia Pharma Awards, and we are proud to have won the Patient Advocacy Programme of the Year - Thailand.

In 2023, we plan to collaborate with health organisations and government societies to produce impactful media that can bring about positive change in the community's health behaviour.

Choose Celltrion Healthcare Thailand's Facebook page as your go-to source for reliable healthcare information. Trust us to provide you with the latest and most accurate healthcare news and updates. Join our community today and be a part of the positive change we're bringing to the healthcare industry.

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