Nipro Corporation wins a Healthcare Asia Medtech Award | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Nipro Corporation wins a Healthcare Asia Medtech Award

The company’s aerosol disinfectant is revolutionising airborne infection control in hospitals and other indoor spaces.

Two years into the coronavirus pandemic, nations and institutions remain wary of enclosed and crowded areas because of the airborne nature of the virus. Nipro Corporation, one of the leading manufacturers of medical devices and pharmaceuticals in the world, launched its new disinfecting agent, CL Fine, as one of the few effective control measures against airborne diseases available in the market. Hailing from Japan, Nipro Corporation won the Disinfection Product Innovation of the Year at the Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards. 

The Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards is presented by Healthcare Asia, lauding medtech companies that have risen above the hurdles of infection control. Recipients of the Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards have pushed the medtech industry by innovating breakthrough products, solutions and initiatives to better serve their customers whilst remaining steadfast during the crisis. 

CL Fine is an ionless hypochlorous acid water (HOCl) that inactivates a variety of viruses and bacteria. As a liquid form, CL Fine has an inactivating effect on SARS-CoV-2. Apart from a liquid form, CL Fine also comes in an aerosol form to help clean indoor spaces. CL Fine has been found effective in reducing human coronavirus (HCoV-OC43) by 99.78% in a non-touch disinfection study. Another study has proven aerosol CL Fine effective in eliminating test bacteria in a hospital room by 99.999%.  

The breakthrough that is CL Fine is made possible by Nipro’s unique electrolysis and purification technologies that generate the ultra-pure ionless hypochlorous acid water or “HOCl.'' HOCl is a powerful disinfectant, having both antiviral and antibacterial properties. HOCl works by penetrating the membranes of the virus or bacteria and rendering it inactive. 

Nipro Corporation designed CL Fine with the reality of inevitably visiting crowded, indoor spaces in mind. Utilising ionless technology, CL Fine addresses the lack of commercially available airborne disease control measures. CL Fine is tested and demonstrated as a safe and convenient solution as the world continues to adapt to life during the pandemic. 

Since its introduction in Japan in September 2020, more than 2,500 medical facilities (hospital/clinic), pharmacies, and other facilities such as corporate offices in the country have been using CL Fine atomizer and liquid, proving CL Fine as a game-changing product that fits the customers’ needs.

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