Korea Health Industry Development Institute nabs Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Korea

Korea Health Industry Development Institute nabs Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year

Its Medical Charity Program invites foreign patients to Korea for medical care.

Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) took home the coveted Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year - Korea win at the recently concluded Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards. The awards programme aims to recognize medtech companies that have made a remarkable impact on their clients and patients.

The institute was recognized for its ‘Medical Charity Program’ which invites foreign patients with little access to healthcare services to Korea for medical treatment. This programme by KHIDI, an affiliated organization under the Ministry of Health and Welfare, is to fulfill corporate social responsibilities and to contribute to the global community in cooperation with Korean medical institutions and facilitators serving foreign patients, the media, and governments.

This project, which began in 2011, has already cured more than 400 foreign patients from 26 countries to return to their normal, healthy lives. 

To introduce one of the patients who were treated with great medical results, a boy named Nergui from Mongolia who was born without a nose due to rare congenital diseases, received a surgery in 2013 and follow-up treatment in 2016 and 2018 in Korea. Now he fully recovered and is growing up as an energetic child just like that age.

nergui after surgery

Medical Korea tried to raise the awareness of the programme and promote this meaningful project to the world through broadcasting, press media, and social networking sites. In particular, the challenge event on Medical Korea SNS (Facebook, Instagram) called the “#Armstrong (I’m Strong) Challenge” aimed at encouraging patients, attracted attention and participation.

Despite the difficulties brought by lockdowns, flight cancellations, and visa issuance, Medical Korea, true to its slogan ‘Where your days begin again’, focused more on finding patients who seek a new normal life. 

Starting from a Kazakhstan patient, the descendants of Korean independence patriots, KHIDI expanded the scope of beneficiaries including the descendants of UN veterans of the Korean War through the governance in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs. 

Up to date, Medical Korea continues to provide better medical services for their global neighbors in need of freedom from the pain of disease and to make them lead happy daily lives again.

For more information: youtube.com/MedicalKoreaOfficial


Hear from Song Taekyun, Director General, Bureau of Global Healthcare, as he discusses their meaningful Medical Charity Program, its compelling and genuine purposes, and remarkable contribution to the global community.

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