SGH develops AI2D solution for personalised antibiotic prescriptions
It focuses on two common hospital infections, namely pneumonia and UTIs.
Singapore General Hospital, in partnership with DXC Technology and Synapxe, has developed the Augmented Intelligence in Infectious Diseases (AI2D) solution to prescribe personalised antibiotic regimens for patients.
The team, led by SGH’s Division of Pharmacy, developed the model for pneumonia, which demonstrated 90% accuracy in a pilot validation study.
The pilot study also showed that nearly 40% of antibiotics prescribed for pneumonia might not have been necessary.
The model was developed using retrospective de-identified clinical data such as x-rays, vital signs, and patient symptoms to assess whether antibiotics should be prescribed.
The team is now looking to measure its effectiveness in safely reducing antibiotic use in a comparative study involving 200 inpatients.
These patients will be randomly assigned to either have doctors alone or doctors using AI2D decide whether antibiotics should be prescribed.
The solution focuses on two common hospital infections, particularly pneumonia and urinary tract infections.