The Medical City Iloilo launches Healthcare Express Mobile Clinic | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Philippines
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The Medical City Iloilo launches Healthcare Express Mobile Clinic

The clinic features laboratory and diagnostic facilities to provide on-site access to healthcare services.

The Medical City (TMC) Iloilo has unveiled its Healthcare Express Mobile Clinic to provide accessible healthcare services across the Western Visayas (WV) region.

The mobile clinic features laboratory and diagnostic facilities to provide on-site access to medical consultations, ultrasound, drug tests, electrocardiogram (ECG), and x-ray services.

Moreover, the clinic is equipped with internet services for quicker turnaround time with patient results.

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“We are providing our patient partners reliability, accessibility, and convenience when it comes to availing of their laboratory and diagnostic services,” TMC Iloilo Chief Executive Officer, Felix Ray Villa, said.

“This new service is our way of answering the community's need to access our brand of care anywhere in the region,” Villa added.

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