Hoan My and TSC ink MoU for complex disease treatment | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Vietnam
Press photo from Hoan My website

Hoan My and TSC ink MoU for complex disease treatment

TSC is set to provide consultation services at Hoan My Saigon Hospital.

Hoan My Medical Group, a private healthcare network in Vietnam, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Singapore-based medical group, The Specialists Collective (TSC) to establish a Centres of Excellence focused on treating complex diseases.

Moreover, TSC will provide consultation services at Hoan My Saigon Hospital to patients suffering from vascular malformation, carotid artery stenosis, cerebral haemorrhage, and more.

The group will also collaborate with Hoan My Academy to build on the skills and expertise of healthcare professionals in the network.

“Our partnership with TSC marks a significant step in Hoan My's commitment to enhancing the quality of our clinical services, whilst also investing in technology so that people can receive international-standard treatment for complex diseases here in Vietnam without having to seek medical care abroad," Dilshaad Ali Bin Abas Ali, Group CEO of Hoan My Medical Group, said.


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