Fakeeh University Hospital launches collaborative plans for perinatal care | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Middle East
Photo from Fakeeh University Hospital website

Fakeeh University Hospital launches collaborative plans for perinatal care

The plan also includes antenatal care from conception onwards and more.

Dubai’s Fakeeh University Hospital (FUH), in partnership with Nabta Health, has unveiled collaborative 360 perinatal care plans for women’s health to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) market.

These plans feature a collaboration between midwives, obstetrician gynaecologists, and an extended multi-speciality care team to deliver healthcare services to female patients during pregnancy, birth, and more.

In addition, the plans include antenatal care from conception onwards, labour and delivery, and postpartum care up to 12 weeks postpartum.

“Our collaboration with Nabta Health allows us to offer accessible, innovative, and patient-centred care plans that address the unique needs of mothers and their babies,” Mohaymen Abdelghany, CEO at FUH, said.

“We believe these plans will significantly enhance the healthcare experience and outcomes for women in the UAE,” Abdelghany added.

The collaborative perinatal care plans are available to purchase from 24 May and can be bought online or in-person, and paid for in up to four instalments.


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