Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi unveils new technique for enhanced gynecomastia treatment
The technique involves tissue removal that prevents a “dished-out appearance”.
Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi initiated a new reconstructive procedure to enhance surgical outcomes of patients with gynecomastia.
The novel technique has improved body contouring and surgical outcomes for patients who went for surgical removal of the enlarged breast tissue.
For gynecomastia treatments, physicians remove excess breast tissue and skin, perform liposuction, and move the nipple-areola complex to a more organic position. However, the tissue removal tends to cause a concave dip in the chest, or a “dished-out appearance”.
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The procedure will involve the utilisation of thickened and anomalous inframammary fold that forms under enlarged breasts to augment the pectoralis muscle, preventing an unfavourable physical appearance after surgery.
“Our novel technique seeks to avoid the undesired appearance that may result from gynecomastia corrective surgery, and can significantly enable young men opting for the procedure to become confident in their own skin,” Rafal Iskanderian, Staff Physician in the Comprehensive Breast Cancer Program at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, said.
Gynecomastia is one of the most common male-specific ailments across the world.