Bone staple systems market to rise at 7.22% CAGR until 2028 | Healthcare Asia Magazine
Photo from Engin Akyurt on Pexels

Bone staple systems market to rise at 7.22% CAGR until 2028

This is driven by the rising number of orthopaedic surgeries worldwide.

The global market for bone staple systems is expected to grow by $76.2m until 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.22%.

A report by Technavio revealed that the market is experiencing notable growth due to the rising number of orthopaedic surgeries across the globe amidst a high prevalence of osteoporosis cases.

Moreover, the ageing population and a surging preference for minimally invasive procedures have propelled the market’s demand, with biodegradable bone staples on the rise due to faster healing and reduced need for secondary surgeries.

“The trend towards minimally invasive surgeries is driving the development of smaller, more precise bone staple systems,” the report said.

Meanwhile, the market is challenged by several factors such as high costs, a need for for specialised surgical skills, and the presence of alternative bone repair methods such as plates and screws.

According to Technavio, clinics and medical centres must decide on the most cost-effective and efficient bone repair solution depending on their resources and patient needs.

Furthermore, the use of cancers and other diseases in bone repair adds complexity to the market’s landscape.

“The bone staple systems market requires continuous innovation and improvement to address these challenges and meet the evolving needs of healthcare providers and patients,” the report added.


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