Aster DM Healthcare announces expansion plans for hospital in Bengaluru | Healthcare Asia Magazine
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Aster DM Healthcare announces expansion plans for hospital in Bengaluru

This will increase the facility’s capacity by 350 beds.

India’s Aster DM Healthcare Limited has announced its $30m (Rs. 250 cr) expansion plan for Aster CMI Hospital, a multispecialty hospital in Bengaluru.

The unit will see an additional infrastructure expansion of 300,000 sq feet to increase its capacity from 500 to 850 beds.

Moreover, the facility’s upgrades are expected to be commissioned by the financial year 2027 (FY27).

“We are running our existing hospital [Aster CMI] at full capacity, hence we have decided to expand the infrastructure to accommodate the growing needs of patients,” Nitish Shetty, CEO of Aster DM Healthcare, India, said.

Meanwhile, the company intends to add about 1,700 beds by FY27 and is looking further into several expansion plans such as a mix of brownfield and greenfield projects, including the upcoming Aster Capital in Trivandrum, and Aster MIMS Kasargod.

In addition, the company is eyeing potential markets in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.

Rs 1 = $0.012

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