Hong Kong Hospital Authority's annual recurrent provision gets $2b boost | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Hospital Authority's annual recurrent provision gets $2b boost

It will now be provided with $54.4b.

In a speech at the Hospital Authority (HA) Convention 2017, Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung said that to strengthen healthcare services for the elderly and other needy patients, from this financial year onwards, the government will increase the annual recurrent provision for the HA by $2 billion to $54.4 billion.

To expand and upgrade healthcare facilities in a more flexible and long-term manner, the government earmarked a total provision of $200 billion last year for the implementation of a 10-year hospital development plan.

The plan will cover the redevelopment and expansion of a number of hospitals, including Kwong Wah Hospital, United Christian Hospital, Queen Mary Hospital, among others.

"This $200 billion development plan is certainly a vast investment. It will provide 5,000 additional hospital beds, representing an increase of 18%. Operating theatres will increase by 40% to 320. Specialist outpatient service capacity will also be expanded substantially by 40% from 6.8 million to 10 million attendances a year. At the district level, community health centres will be set up in Mong Kok, Shek Kip Mei and North District. Additional services for 410,000 attendances will be provided at the general outpatient clinics each year," he said.

At present, the public healthcare sector still accounts for some 90% of inpatient services in Hong Kong and serves as the safety net for those in need, particularly the disadvantaged.

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