ExtraHop brings real-time healthcare IT analytics to HIMSS17 | Healthcare Asia Magazine
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ExtraHop brings real-time healthcare IT analytics to HIMSS17

Company will showcase solutions to detect and mitigate ransomware.

ExtraHop, the leader in real-time IT analytics, today announced its participation in HIMSS17. During the show, ExtraHop will be offering demonstrations of its Ransomware and Citrix solutions, which help leading healthcare organizations like Seattle Children's Hospital, Phoenix Children's Hospital, and Sutter Health deliver better patient care and experience. To see these solutions and learn more about how ExtraHop supports the real-time health system, visit booth #367 during the show.

Behind every healthcare IT ticket is a patient whose care depends on the organization's ability to keep its systems running smoothly. ExtraHop applies real-time analytics and machine learning to deliver the most accurate and timely insight into the performance, availability, and security of every IT system. With this insight, healthcare IT teams can proactively detect problems and restore the performance of critical clinical systems before patient care and experience is impacted.

Citrix performance and ransomware threats are two of the most critical issues faced by healthcare organizations today. The ExtraHop platform can detect and thwart against ransomware attacks in real time, as well as provide visibility across the Citrix ecosystem to guarantee fast Citrix delivery.

  • ExtraHop provides cross-tier visibility for Citrix environments, the underlying infrastructure, and even user behavior with a rich, deep, and customizable set of metrics. With this visibility, healthcare IT teams can improve service delivery, eliminate costly infrastructure expansion by optimizing Citrix performance, isolate which users and under what conditions are experiencing service disruptions, and ensure compliance and security with unparalleled user monitoring
  • The ExtraHop Ransomware Detection offering incorporates the ExtraHop platform's proprietary Precision Packet Capture capability, allowing healthcare organizations to detect ransomware attacks in-progress and recover lost files in minutes, creating an end-to-end solution that puts control back in the hands of the enterprise. To view a demo of how to use packet capture to recover ransomware-encrypted files, click here.

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