Check out the steady growth in Thailand's medical tourism | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Thailand

Check out the steady growth in Thailand's medical tourism

11% of tourists in Thailand seek medical treatment.

Thailand has become a medical tourist’s haven, and the continued strong support of the country’s government will lead it to grow even more.

According to a report by BMI Research, Thailand’s medical tourism sector will continue to evolve as competition within the industry intensifies.

11% of tourists in Thailand seek medical treatment.

Thailand has become a medical tourist's haven, and the continued strong support of the country's government will lead it to grow even more.

11% of tourists in Thailand seek medical treatment.

Thailand has become a medical tourist's haven, and the continued strong support of the country's government will lead it to grow even more.

According to a report by BMI Research, Thailand's medical tourism sector will continue to evolve as competition within the industry intensifies.

11% of tourists in Thailand seek medical treatment.

Thailand has become a medical tourist's haven, and the continued strong support of the country's government will lead it to grow even more.

According to a report by BMI Research, Thailand's medical tourism sector will continue to evolve as competition within the industry intensifies.

“While the government's strong support through the Tourism Authority of Thailand's campaigns will play an instrumental role - pricing and synergising the country's medical tourism offerings with the broader tourism sector's products will both be key in establishing its value proposition,” the report noted.

Meanwhile, BMI Research noted that Thailand is expected to compete strategically and specialise in selected treatments.

“This will have a tangible impact on pharmaceutical sales, as medical tourism is a key source of healthcare spending in Thailand,” the report added.

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