Q&M Dental Group expands network with 3 local acquisitions | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Singapore

Q&M Dental Group expands network with 3 local acquisitions

The deals are expected to provide 5-8 years of profit guarantee.

Q&M Dental Group has taken three small bites with its acquisition of Singapore-based Ho Dental Surgery, Toofy and Jurong Point Dental Surgery.

According to Maybank Kim Eng, the three deals will push for the acquisition of two dental clinics and four dentists.

"The first deal, Ho Dental surgery, involves the acquisition of a dental clinic in Marine Terrace, along with two dentists. Dr. Ho Chuk Ping, the vendor, has 31 years of experience. Dr. Ang, the vendor of Toofy, likewise has 30 years of experience. She will relocate to Q&M’s subsidiary, TP Dental outlet on Orchard Road," the report said.

"For the third deal, the vendor of Jurong Point Dental Surgery, Dr Chong has 24 years of experience," it added.

Q&M commands only about 7% market share in terms of number of dental clinics.

The report explained that with these small acquisitions, Q&M will be provided with immediate access to new locations and tap into a patient base accumulated throughout the years.

"From its improving M&A track record and market leadership position, we expect more dentists to knock on Q&M’s door," the report said.

More so, Maybank noted that the three deals would provide 5-8 years of $0.4 profit guarantee annually for the group as it taps into a wider customer database.

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