Abu Dhabi to advance emergency care through IFEM partnership | Healthcare Asia Magazine
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Abu Dhabi to advance emergency care through IFEM partnership

The collaboration allows the exchange of experiences and technologies adhering to international standards.

Abu Dhabi’s Department of Health (DoH) has announced its collaboration with the International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM) to advance emergency care in the emirate.

The signed agreement between the two entities allows the exchange of experiences and technologies adhering to the latest international standards to advance emergency medicine practices.

Moreover, the collaboration supports specialist emergency doctors for joint training expertise and research and development initiatives in different scientific and academic domains.

ALSO READ: Abu Dhabi to promote training for advanced AI and genomics research

"The DoH – Abu Dhabi continues to spearhead borderless collaborations with our key partners across the global ecosystem, working hand in hand to accelerate the future of healthcare to make quality health a global priority,” Noura Ibrahim Al Ghaithi, DoH Abu Dhabi’s undersecretary, said.

“Together with IFEM, we look forward to advancing emergency medicine excellence and ensuring universal access to high-quality emergency medical care for the Abu Dhabi community and beyond." Al Ghaithi added.


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