Hong Kong and Shanghai eye stronger healthcare collaboration | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Hong Kong
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Hong Kong and Shanghai eye stronger healthcare collaboration

The two will push forward the “Healthy China” initiative.

Hong Kong’s Secretary for Health, Lo Chung-mau met a delegation led by Shanghai Municipal Health Commission Director General, Wen Daxiang, to further reinforce Shanghai and Hong Kong’s collaboration in healthcare.

The two parties exchanged views on the highlighted areas of cooperation and executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on healthcare cooperation between the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission and the Health Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

In a statement, the two markets will continue fostering cross-boundary healthcare collaboration and push forward the national strategy of “Healthy China”.

Lo mentioned that Hong Kong has been working with mainland counterparts to mutually enhance the quality of healthcare between the two places. 

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He also added that he was grateful to Shanghai authorities for Chinese medicine (CM) experts to advise on plans for Hong Kong’s first Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Meanwhile, the Hospital Authority is following up with Shanghai healthcare authorities on a two-way talent exchange, and deepening professional cooperation arrangements for public hospitals.

According to Lo, Hong Kong will continue to encourage participation amongst CM practitioners with clinical training exchanges in Shanghai to elevate professional standards in the sector.



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