Saudi health ministry shuts down medical facility for several violations | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Saudi Arabia
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Saudi health ministry shuts down medical facility for several violations

The ministry made arrests for the involved violators, referring them to Public Persecution.

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health (MOH) has closed a one-day surgery unit in a private health facility due to multiple violations.

Several violations include a medical practitioner bypassing her specialty, two operating rooms without a license, and several doctors conducting one-day operations without a license.

The ministry has also filed multiple arrests for the involved imposters and violators, then referred them to the Public Prosecution for the appropriate sanctions.

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The practices violate Article Two of the Law on the Practice of Health Professions, affirming “the prohibition of practicing any health profession except after obtaining a license”; Article 13, affirming “the same law prohibits examining patients in places other than those designated for that purpose”; and Article 10, prohibiting health practitioners “from advertising or promoting himself directly or by mediation”.

The MOH has reiterated the strict health requirements, preventive procedures and measures in the territory, and encouraged patients to rely on licensed practitioners to honour safety and safety for all patients.

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