China widens medical services to nearly 3,000 tertiary public hospitals | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, China
Photo by Denny Ryanto from Unsplash

China widens medical services to nearly 3,000 tertiary public hospitals

Several hospitals see an increase in physicians specialising in anaesthesia, paediatrics and TCM.

The National Health Commission of the PRC (NHC) has improved the accessibility of medical services in tertiary public hospitals around China.

The report by NHC and six other agencies is based on the performance of the country's 2,817 tertiary public hospitals last 2022.

2,112 hospitals in the report specialised in Western-based medicine, and 705 are hospitals specialising in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

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Several public hospitals have also experienced an increase in physicians across various departments, including anaesthesia, paediatrics and TCM. This is underscored by these hospitals succeeding in improvements to address complex and difficult diseases.

Currently, China has a three-tier system to evaluate hospitals, with those under tertiary placed at the top of the system (with the largest number of beds and comprehensive medical services).

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