Hospital-college healthcare tie-up in PH pushes past first decade | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Philippines
Image source: MDH

Hospital-college healthcare tie-up in PH pushes past first decade

Students and faculty members of the school will enjoy discounts in one of Manila’s private hospitals.

The Manila Doctors Hospital (MDH) and the Chinese-Filipino Chiang Kai Shek College (CSKC) in the Philippines renewed their 11-year partnership of providing quality and comprehensive healthcare services to the college’s internal and external community. 

The two institutions, both based in Manila, signed a memorandum of agreement wherein MDH will provide discounts for medical services and hospitalisation to CSKC’s students, employees, faculty members and its board of directors.

Alumni officers of the college and members of their qualified dependents are also set to benefit.

“We assure you that we will work hard to consistently provide excellent service and hope that you will allow us to offer more of our services to the CKSC community. We are eager to work with you and contribute to the total well-being of your community,” Hian Ho N. Kua, MDH’s hospital director, said in a statement on June 26.

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