PRINC Hospital Suvarnabhumi breaks boundaries for patient care | Healthcare Asia Magazine

PRINC Hospital Suvarnabhumi breaks boundaries for patient care

It has provided comprehensive COVID-19 care and undertaken a clinic expansion program in the past year.

Dedicated to continually expanding its capabilities and elevating the level of care it provides to its patients, PRINC Hospital Suvarnabhumi continues to expand the hospital’s potential with major projects that are aimed at elevating the level of care it provides to its patients.

Amongst the projects that the company has accomplished the previous year include comprehensive COVID-19 care during the pandemic. In line with its organisational purpose, PRINC Hospital Suvarnabhumi has committed itself to ensure proper care through the utilisation of all healthcare resources from the hospital’s entire network via digital technology. 

During the pandemic, the hospital has treated over 100,000 outpatient (OPD) patients and 30,000 in-patients (IPD) regardless of their payment scheme whilst also accommodating the height of the crisis. During this time, it supports up to 3,000 IPD patients through the newly built 60 COVID-specific ICU beds and the 450-bed field hospital in collaboration with business entrepreneurs.

PRINC Hospital Suvarnabhumi has also undertaken a clinic expansion program beyond the original All OPDs offered in 2021. Currently, it has expanded to nine specialised OPD units, composed of a gastrointestinal unit, cardiology unit, internal medicine unit, surgery unit, orthopaedics unit, paediatrics unit, obstetrics and gynaecology unit, health check-up unit, and aesthetic unit.

The hospital has also provided a comprehensive care program for high-acuity cases in emergency rooms, operating rooms, and ICU, including the implementation of advanced surgical techniques and a team of over 40 specialists in various fields.

“Our dedication to expanding treatment capabilities and enhancing the patient experience has resulted in increased patient confidence and trust, leading to a rise in regular return patients and a strengthened sense of purpose amongst our medical personnel,” the company said.

In pursuit of its goal of elevating patient care, PRINC Hospital Suvarnabhumi has made plans to establish a cancer treatment centre which offers both surgical and radiation therapy options. It is also preparing to open this year a cathlab, equipped with the necessary tools and medical teams to perform open heart procedures.

“With all that we have accomplished and are planning to do, we are committed to transforming PRINC Hospital Suvarnabhumi into a full range secondary care hospital and continually advancing our capabilities to reach tertiary care level in the near future,” the hospital said.

PRINC Hospital Suvarnabhumi’s boundless innovations in advancing healthcare have been recognised by the Healthcare Asia Awards, as it brings home the Secondary Hospital of the Year - Thailand category win.

The prestigious awards program aims to honour hospitals, clinics and other healthcare providers that have risen above the challenges and made a remarkable impact by innovating and reinventing initiatives to better serve patients and protect employees

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