Thonburi Sermrath (TSR) receives accolade at Healthcare Asia Awards | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Thonburi Sermrath (TSR) receives accolade at Healthcare Asia Awards

It partnered with the local government to close the gap in the medical care access of the public.

TSR took the Patient Care Initiative of the Year - Thailand at the recently held Healthcare Asia Awards for its success in treating patients through teams of reputable cardiologists at its three existing sites.

TSR partnered with local government units in the country to close the gap in their medical care access. Being a subsidiary of Thonburi Healthcare Group (THG), it is the first move to scale up the ability of government hospitals to save people’s lives by investing and managing the government hospital’s heart centres to get quality care at lower prices.

Given the limitations of the Ministry of Health’s investment budget, as well as the number of government healthcare staff, helping hands from the private sectors such as THG became the solution. The cost control and quality of service by private healthcare institutions became the keys to being a good partner of public healthcare to achieve the best results.

Since 2019, the company provides teams of reputable cardiologists to treat patients within its three existing sites. These sites include the Thonburi 2 Hospital, which is responsible for providing a specialized medical team and managing the doctors’ work schedules to meet the needs of cardiovascular patients efficiently and according to professional standards.

Another one is the Phatthalung Hospital, which specializes in performing procedures for patients with diseases, including cardiac catheterisation and angioplasty.

The last of the projects include the Panyananthaphikkhu Medical Center – providing services 24 hours a day to increase the survival rates of patients with symptoms related to cardiovascular disease. It is also a development of the laboratory, which is supposed to be a source of medical learning.

TSR is expected to expand its service to many more sites in the future. “Faster access and better quality of medical care are always returned by the better economy,” it said.

Healthcare Asia Awards aims to honour hospitals, clinics and other healthcare providers that have risen above the challenges and made a remarkable impact by innovating and reinventing initiatives to better serve patients and protect employees.

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