GlobalData sees new biopsy device boosting India’s bone cancer treatment market | Healthcare Asia Magazine
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GlobalData sees new biopsy device boosting India’s bone cancer treatment market

The newly patented device simplifies tissue extraction in a bone marrow biopsy.

A recently patented bone marrow biopsy device developed by a group of medical professionals in India could help boost the country’s bone cancer treatment market, according to data analytics firm GlobalData.

Doctors and faculty members from Gujrat Cancer Research Institute (GCRI) and the Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management (IITRAM) designed a new tool that simplifies the process of tissue extraction during a bone marrow biopsy. 

“The introduction of a new bone marrow biopsy device is expected to yield positive implications for medical diagnosis in India,” GlobalData medical devices analyst Ayshi Ganguly said in a statement. 

The country’s biopsy needle devices, which make up for nearly 12% of the entire Asia Pacific market this year, is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of nearly 3% through 2030 based on a research by the firm. 

“The device has the potential to disrupt the Indian bone marrow biopsy market as it scores over conventional biopsy needles and will eventually boost the bone cancer diagnosis ecosystem in India,” Ganguly added.

Bone marrow biopsy involves extraction of a bone marrow sample for testing which is vital in determining the proper treatment for a cancer patient.

The device, granted with an Indian patent, comes with three indicators that can identify the bone, confirm if the tool was successfully inserted into the bone, and give an alert in case there was bone perforation, where a hole is pierced through the opposite end.

With the aid of additional depth sensors and pressure control technology, it also offers a more accurate and efficient extraction compared to manual or electronic needles.

Ganguly said the new device may reduce the risks brought about by traditional needle biopsies like infections, nerve and blood vessel damage as well as uncontrolled bleeding. She said it can also help avoid accidental damage to tissues and bones.

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