City International Hospital lauded as Most Improved Community Hospital of the Year - Vietnam | Healthcare Asia Magazine

City International Hospital lauded as Most Improved Community Hospital of the Year - Vietnam

The hospital continues to serve the needs of the community whilst looking into new methods and techniques in medicine.

City International Hospital (CIH) has been commended for its improvements and efforts to provide medical treatment to people within its community, as it was lauded as the Most Improved Community Hospital of the Year - Vietnam by Healthcare Asia Awards 2023.

The Ho Chi Minh City-based healthcare institution, established in 2014, is a private general hospital that has nearly 400 employees, 134 inpatient beds, and 21 specialities, with key subjects including Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatrics.

CIH’s main mission is to provide medical examinations and treatment services to patients whilst staying updated on new methods and techniques in clinical practice. It has been taking several steps towards improvement.

Along with clinical activities, its support operations departments have conducted patient safety and service quality management, invested in facility upgrades, equipment procurement, human resource development, and the improvement of patient and medical staff satisfaction with the ultimate aim of bringing the quality of medical examination and treatment to the highest level. 

Additionally, these improvements are not limited to the hospital’s facilities but also include the growth of the medical staff. More than 20 Continuing Medical Education professional training sessions for medical staff were organised, as well as scientific and technical conferences that attracted participants from other hospitals. About 30% of CIH doctors likewise actively engage in postgraduate teaching.

The positive impact of these initiatives is reflected in the hospital’s impressive numbers for the year 2022, specifically: 75,491 OPD patients, 5,310 IPD patients, 3,197 additional surgeries, and more than 2,000 thank-you letters from patients. It was also recognised by news sites, newspapers, and radio stations. On top of these, several of its life-saving procedures were the subject of several publications.

The hospital has been collaborating with several healthcare organisations in Thailand, Germany, and the United States in order to exchange more new technologies in medicine.

With its slogan of constant innovation and progress, CIH looks forward to focusing on new specialities including prenatal diagnosis, IVF, stem cells in medicine, and endoscopy.

Meanwhile, CIH carried out several services from July to October 2021 to help the community amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. It conducted community vaccination with 2,000 working sessions, administered 90,000 COVID-19 vaccination injections, screened 44,000 people, provided treatment for 600 COVID-19 patients, and changed three floors of the hospital into one of the National Resuscitation Centers for severe and extremely severe COVID-19 patients.

The hospital also organised many charity groups to support families in need who were affected by the pandemic, visited and sent gifts to encourage medical staff at the time, and visited children in orphanages.

In recognition of these initiatives, the hospital received a certificate of merit from the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City and a certificate of merit for actively participating in the prevention of COVID-19.

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