Femto Research Group Co. Ltd. snags Service Innovation of the Year - Thailand at Healthcare Asia 2021 | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Femto Research Group Co. Ltd. snags Service Innovation of the Year - Thailand at Healthcare Asia 2021

Their Plasma/Saliva p53Microbiome helps detect infections that can lead to infertility and cancer. 

Infertility affects an estimated 48 million women, with the highest numbers concentrated in regions that include South Asia and Central Asia. WHO reported that over 10% of women are inflicted – women who have tried unsuccessfully, and have remained in a stable relationship for five years or more. 

Infertility is defined as the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. There are two types of infertility: Primary and Secondary. “Primary Infertility” is infertility in a couple who have never had a child. “Secondary infertility” is failure to conceive following a previous pregnancy. Besides, some couples are defined as “Subfertility”. For these couples, the possibility of conceiving naturally exists, but takes longer than average. 

In most cases, assistive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF) with or without Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) are used to assist couples affected by infertility and subfertility. However, the success rates of conception using these technologies are still low. Many infertile couples thus inevitably encounter the physical, psychosocial, and financial burden of ART.

Femto Research Group, a self-funding research-based DNA laboratory company in Thailand, is unique in its study of infertility causes. Using their Plasma/Saliva p53Microbiome to detect infections that can lead to the development and progression of cancer and response to therapy, Femto has expanded Plasma/Saliva p53Microbiome in identifying infections found in infertile couples genomes.

Asymptomatic infection is a major contribution to infertility, and male infections can impact sperm quality and function. Bacterial infections can cause pathologies such as chronic endometritis (CE), and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in female infertility. CE can cause recurrent implantation failure, recurrent early pregnancy loss (REPL), and fetal demise. 

In Assistive Reproductive Technologies (ART), PID may decrease implantation rates, increase early miscarriages, and may also increase the risk of preterm labor. Parasites and fungi infections can damage the ability to conceive, ectopic pregnancy, or pregnancy with undesired course. Chronic viral infections can infect sperm and are considered a risk factor in male infertility. 

Femto Lab has successfully developed a reliable, never-before-existing diagnostic innovation to detect/identify asymptomatic infections (at the genus, species, and strains) in human infertile genomes. Using their DBS/DSS p53Microbiome innovations allows them to look for infections and use precisely suitable chemical/herbal/natural treatments to help improve the success rates of ART in infertile couples, reduce cancer from their infected genomes, and lessen the risk of ovarian cancer from repeated IVF/ART cycles using high-dose ovulation-stimulating drugs.

With innovations developed to improve human health via the microbiome-based diagnosis, p53Microbiome in couples predicts the accurate outcome of IVF/ART while keeping on track with “Precision Health and Precision Medicine”, their global personalized healthcare goal.

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