Meet Asian Hospital's Andres Licaros, Jr at the 2018 Healthcare Asia Forum | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Philippines

Meet Asian Hospital's Andres Licaros, Jr at the 2018 Healthcare Asia Forum

He will speak about provision of quality healthcare.

Andres M. Licaros, Jr. is a licensed Civil Engineer with more than three decades of professional management experience across various industries namely; Design and Construction, Pharmaceutical, Feeds and Livestock, Confectionery and Healthcare.

He has a wealth of Leadership Experience in managing two tertiary hospitals acquired by Metro Pacific Investments Corporation (MPIC) namely; Davao Doctors Hospital from 2008 to 2011 and Asian Hospital and Medical Center from 2012 to present, as the President and Chief Executive Officer. He is also currently a Director of Riverside Medical Center Inc. in Bacolod City.

With a firm commitment and passion to address the glaring gaps in access to quality healthcare, he has pursued a Value Healthcare strategy. Asian Hospital has established Integrated Practice Units around its flagship services namely; the Asian Cancer Institute in 2015, the Asian Brain Institute in 2017 and the Asian Cardiovascular Institute in 2018. Asian has earned two successive Joint Commission International (JCI) Gold Seal of Accreditation in 2013 and 2016, the strongest validation of the quality of care each patient receives each time they choose to engage Asian Hospital. The promise of excellent outcomes at a lower total cost coming from an unforgettable experience of care has become a reality.

Licaros will be among the speakers at the 2018 Healthcare Asia Forum, Manila leg. The event will be happening on March 1 at Makati Shangri-La.

What are your previous experiences and positions held that contributed to who you are as an expert in the healthcare industry today?

Asian Hospital Inc. 2012-present President & CEO,
Davao Doctors Hospital 2008-2011 President & CEO
The Medical City 2006-2008 Director for Marketing & Sales
St. Luke’s Medical Center 2001-2006 VP Marketing

What are your key business philosophies?

“Always hire someone better than you “, mentor him/her to gain confidence & wisdom, inspire him/her to become the best that he/she can be. The best way to learn is to teach someone full of idealism and determination. To draw out the very best from your mentee, the mentor must bring his very best every time they engage, collaborate, share your wisdom and find happiness in the success of your mentee.

Can you give us a glimpse of what you will talk about at the Healthcare Asia Forum?

Quality healthcare is every human being’s right and not a privilege borne out of one’s ability to afford the service. It is therefore incumbent upon all stakeholders in healthcare to work as ONE in providing value healthcare: ONE that achieves the best clinical outcomes at a lower cost of care across a service platform that creates a meaningful experience for each patient and family.  

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