
Here’s why Malaysian healthcare drastically needs to adapt digital technology

Mahenthiran Thanapal, director of business operations at Prince Court Medical Centre, believes this will mitigate rising healthcare costs in the...

There is no sector more important than health: PwC

Hear PwC talk about the future of the healthcare industry in the inaugural Healthcare Asia Forum 2016.

How is Malaysia dealing with its ageing population?

Suresh Ponnudurai, CEO of malaysiahealthcare, will give an overview.

Here’s how patients can ultimately benefit from healthcare IT innovations

Dato’ Amiruddin Abdul Satar, President of KPJ Healthcare Berhad, believes IT could lead to faster and more efficient delivery of healthcare services.

Hospital wars heat up as Singapore hikes healthcare spending

Private players will have to splurge on robotics too.

Will the Philippines finally address its need for healthcare data optimisation?

Healthcare IT was one of the many hot topics discussed at the inaugural Healthcare Asia Forum 2016.

What comes next after the boom in hospital constructions?

Dr. Jaime Almora, M.D., Philippine Hospital Association’s VP for Luzon, reveals his thoughts.