Zulekha Hospital and Swift Day to launch new centre in Dubai | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Middle East
Photo from Swift Day Surgery via Accesswire

Zulekha Hospital and Swift Day to launch new centre in Dubai

The facility will offer proctology treatments and vascular procedures.

Zulekha Hospital and Swift Day Surgery have partnered to establish a centre of excellence for minimally invasive laser surgery in Dubai.

The partnership was signed in the presence of Karan Rekhi, managing director of Swift Day Surgery, and Zoaib Nomani, senior vice president of Zulekha Healthcare group.

According to Rekhi, the new facility is set to offer laser treatments with an initial emphasis on proctology for conditions such as haemorrhoids, anal fissures, and anal fistulas, and vascular procedures for varicose and spider veins.

Meanwhile, Nomani stated that the centre will be incorporating technology aimed at enhancing treatment precision and reducing recovery times.

“This initiative represents a significant advancement in our continuous efforts to provide innovative, patient-centered care in Dubai,” He added.

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