Princess Alexandra Hospital unveils expanded HDDU with increased capacity | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Australia
Photo from Metro South Health website

Princess Alexandra Hospital unveils expanded HDDU with increased capacity

The facility now has a total of 11 beds for patients requiring haemodialysis or plasma exchange.

Australia’s Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) has marked the completion of its $3.8m (A$5.8m) High Dependency Haemodialysis Unit (HDDU) expansion by increasing inpatient capacity with three additional treatment spaces.

According to the Nurse Unit Manager of the HDDU, Kylee McMahon, the expansion project has led to a total capacity of 11 beds for patients requiring haemodialysis or plasma exchange.

“The additional beds are the biggest bonus so we can support the growing Nephrology department and the Queensland Kidney Transplant Unit here at PAH,” McMahon said.

“It’s lighter and brighter, and with the addition of glass panels it provides more infection control options and privacy while simultaneously being more open so patients can see the nurses for the support they need,” She added.

The project was funded through the Accelerated Infrastructure Delivery Programme as part of the Queensland Health Hospitals and Health plan. 

Stage one of the expansion plan was completed in December 2023 whilst stage two focused on increasing access to high-dependency kidney dialysis services.

A$1 = $0.66


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