Healthcare sector is Singaporean students' top pick for future work: survey | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Singapore

Healthcare sector is Singaporean students' top pick for future work: survey

It rose from its third position last year.

The healthcare sector has been gaining traction since the past year as it emerges as the number one pick industry amongst students in the city-state.

According to the latest study by CareerBuilder, healthcare sector is the top industry students want to work in, rising from the third rank last year.

It ranked first across Top GCE A Level and IB level Diploma students and graduates and in Polytechnic students.

For CareerBuilder Managing Director Jessica Ang, the recurring interest in the sector is a positive sign for the industry.

“There is a pressing need to meet manpower demands in the healthcare sector as the government continues to ramp up healthcare infrastructure in preparation for the nation's’ rapidly aging population,” she said.

She added, "it is important for the sector to continue implementing effective HR measures. It will help them reach out to a wider pool of talent, that will benefit Singapore’s healthcare scene."

For Top GCE A Level students, their next pick is the Public Service sector followed by Pharmaceutical industry.

On the other hand, financial sector is the next choice of GCE A level and IB Diploma students, with Education as their third pick.

Meanwhile, polytechnic students also consider engineering and education sector as their choice of career.

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