HIMSS AsiaPac 16 puts patients at the centre of healthcare through IT | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Thailand

HIMSS AsiaPac 16 puts patients at the centre of healthcare through IT

It was held in Bangkok, Thailand.

What was once the hard-to-achieve dream of complete patient-centered care in the Asia-Pacific region is taking a step closer to reality thanks to the increased and improved use of information technology (IT) across the region and beyond.

This was the overarching motif of the HIMSS AsiaPac 16, with the apt theme “Advancing Digital & Patient-Centered Care.”

“Apart from the educational tracks, issues such as cybersecurity and sustaining robust business models while optimising care quality will be discussed during the workshop,” said Simon Lin, executive director, HIMSS Asia Pacific.

HIMSS AsiaPac 16 was held at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre in Bangkok, Thailand, last 23 - 26 August 2016.

Lin added that the world class speaking panel and solution providers on-site will lead discussions and demonstrations in latest breakthroughs, innovations, and applications of healthcare technology.

Meanwhile, HIMSS AsiaPac 16 also celebrated many significant achievements from the region. “Each case study is a fine example for all hospitals to emulate. We also celebrated the EMRAM Stage 6 and 7 Award Recipients: Institute of Mental Health, Singapore, Paknampo Hospital, Bangkok Hospital, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital,” Lin said.

Additionally, Dr Polowat Witoolkollachit, director of ICT for the Ministry of Public Health Thailand and chair of the organising committee for HIMSS AsiaPac 16, said the topics for the symposium include applying better data for healthcare, creating smart hospitals, as well as moving health information technology closer to patients.

Witoolkollachit noted that this is the first time that the HIMSS AsiaPac Conference and Exhibition was held in Thailand, stating that Bangkok is a bridge between ASEAN history and future.

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