Health department probes water seepage at HK hospital | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Hong Kong
Photo from Envato

Health department probes water seepage at HK hospital

The leak took place during an eye surgery procedure.

Hong Kong’s Department of Health is looking into a water seepage incident in an operating theatre at the CUHK Medical Centre.

Whilst the incident does not fall under reportable events outlined in the Code of Practice for Private Hospitals, the agency has requested the facility to submit an investigation report.

The department will review the investigation’s findings and the corrective measures taken by the hospital.

Moreover, appropriate follow-up actions will be implemented to prevent similar incidents and ensure patient safety.

The incident took place during an eye surgery, with water beginning to drip from the ceiling near the end of the operating table towards the procedure’s conclusion.

Following the incident, the hospital suspended the use of the affected operating theatre and identified the source of the water seepage. Repair work has been carried out.

“The surgery was completed uneventfully. The patient’s condition has been stable and no complications have been reported,” the department said.

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